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Smilespool provides a health safety net for deprived and impoverished Africans living within rural communities through Health Insurance. By this, we remove all barriers that hinder children between 3 months and 18years from securing basic quality healthcare.

SMILE is a member of the Ardana Stake Pool Alliance (ASPA)

SMILE is a member of Cardano's Mission Driven Pools

  • Mission Driven Pools [MDP] is a collective of mission-based Cardano stake pool operators.
  • SMILE is a member of Cardano’s Mission Driven Pools, we donate 40% of profits to provide health insurance to children in rural areas.
  • SMILE now has ensured over 5,000 kids’ health in Ghana.

Our Charity

[SMILE] Smiles on Africa is a charity pool that began in the late 2020s. Our goal was to go beyond profit-making. Smilespool provides a health safety net for deprived and impoverished Africans living within rural communities through health insurance. Through this, we remove all barriers that hinder children between 3 months and 18 years from securing basic quality healthcare.

Pool Fee



30% of our Operating Fees